Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday March 11, 2012

Today I worked on my scrapbook. I created the cover page and decided to title my project "A Long Walk to Water".

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

On Saturday I sent an email to my church asking them what orginization they worked through. Today I received an email from them. The orginization they work through can be learned about on the following website:www.rdic.org

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Today I researched more information on problems faced by Third World Countries. Seeing the shortage of water and the effects of it is what made me decide to do a fundraiser. I have decided to create a scrapbook to record my fundraiser plans and the information I learned about Third World Countries. I also went on my church's website( http://www.mpbclife.com/Websites/mpbaptist/Images/Living%20Water.pdf ) to look at their living water project. I found a website called water.org that gives statistics on water shortages and what people go through each day. I also discussed my scrapbook with my mom. I have decided that it will include information about the third world countries along with pictures. It will also include research and my fundraiser plans.

Thrusday, March 1, 2012

Today I discussed research with my mother and the best way to find an orginization. I decided to call my church and ask them what orginization they have donated through.

December 31, 2011-January 1, 2012

I have chosen to research the health problems caused by water contamination in third world countries. As I research  I will be looking through the lense of Health and Social Education and Environment.  I want to create the plans for a fundraiser, that will be held to raise money for an orginization that implants water purification systems in third world countries while spreading the word of Jesus Christ.  The area of interaction this project most relates to is Community and Service because I am trying to create a way to raise money for the countries and help them. I am asking myself how i can be the most effective; be it through a dinner, a bakesale, a carwash, or a dance.

Today I researched third world countries and how the water in the countries effects the health stability of the people that live in those countries. I found certain common diseases and illnesses linked to contaminated water in these countries.
 I also researched different christian orginizations that raise money for and implant water purification systems in third world countries.  I want to be able to donate money to an organization as an addition to the fundraiser plans that I will be creating. In order to do this I needed to find an orginaztion that suited all of the criteria. It needed to be a Chirstian orginization that would not only provide water purifiers but share the message of Jesus Christ in the process. Below are links to some of the orginizations i found on a website.